The Necessity and Supply of the Sun to the Moon

How splendid it is to behold the rising latitude of the sun!

While it breaks forth into the seemingly impenetrable conjuration of overdue darkness.

With its piercing sharp rays, darkness effortlessly gives way.

In no time, darkness will be outrightly wiped out.

Seemingly as though darkness never existed.

Sight, insight, direction, and specificity are activated.

Light and life are two composite and interdependent elements.

There is an order in jurisdiction from the Great One.

He apportions one to the day and the other to the night.

Each of these entities strictly sticks to their allotted ordination.

The sun is unto the day.

The moon is unto the night.

One is independent, while the other is dependent.

The sun is independent, and the moon is subordinate.

This dependence on the moon is in its essence.

The moon never has any light of its own.

The excellency of the moon is its proportionate level of nearness and openness to the sun.

Likewise, this applies to Christians.

Without one, the existence of the others is highly insignificant.

Ignorance or negligence on the part of the All-Sufficient One is equivalent to inexistence.

Priding ourselves better than others over what was received or given is the backlink to one's downfall.

What is given or received isn’t a reward, no matter how much.

Much is yet to be received or given, so stay calm and humble.

Matters of infirmity are always on display.

Remain revived, helped, and sustained by the All-Sufficient One.

For man fell and was cut short of the glory of the Lord.

Whatever was received or is yet to be received came from Him.

Our boasting (or "glorying’) must be strictly of the Lord.

It’s in the confederation of this shared glory that imperfection changes to perfection.

Stay close to the All-Sufficient One.

Esteem the general assembly of the saints.

We greatly need Him and significantly need the confederation of the general assembly.


2/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. Hummmmmm.... Thank God for this. More grace sir

  2. This is good. Staying close to God and other believers keeps us safe.

    God bless you sir!


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