Race at your Pace


We all are in a race.

Race at your pace in and with peace.

In which you move with ease.

Don’t cease moving.

Ensure you trace your track till the end.

While we race, we fasten our gaze on He that has called us into the race.

Meanwhile, we don’t race to compete.

We face our race on the strength of the grace we have received.

We race so as to see His face and become like Him.

That He might say unto us – thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of your Lord.

We ensure we complete our races at our different paces.

To obtain the prize.

Though we were called/qualified to this race, there is yet a prize.

To obtain this prize, there is a price to pay.

No prize without a price.

Though earthly prizes are corruptible and perishable.

Heavenly prizes are priceless, incorruptible and imperishable.

Earthly prizes can diminish in value over time.

In fact, they are temporary and can be stolen.

Heavenly prizes neither diminishes nor can they be stolen.

The prize of the race I speak of is heavenly.

Eternal in value and achievement.

There is so great a cloud of witnesses that had run the race set before us.

We therefore need to lay aside every weight.

And the sin which so easily ensnares us.

To run this race well, we run with patience.

Constantly looking into Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith.

Who focused on the joy that was set before Him.

He endured the cross and humiliation from sinners.

We likewise lawfully strive for mastery to win the prize.

Putting our bodies under subjection.

Exercising self control by the help of the Holy One.

All things are lawful for us, but not all things are helpful.

 All things are lawful for us, but not all things edify.

We race at our pace.

Lest we lose our prizes.

Nor we ourselves be a cast away.

2/Post a Comment/Comments

  1. NWACHINEKE Victor C19 December 2022 at 10:31

    Very good piece. 👍

  2. "No prize without a price" more inspiration Dad.


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